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-러시아 울리야놉스크 폐기물 분리 작업장
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#폐기물_분리_작업대에서_구한_고양이 #구사일생_고양이 #miracle_russia_cat
## storyline
Many believe a black cat is a sign of good luck - and that is certainly the case for this little fellow.
One month ago he was put into a bag and thrown into the rubbish.
He'd been taped into a thick bag of sugar, which made it as far as the garbage processing facility. Luckily workers on the rubbish sorting line discovered Kite seconds before he could have been crushed by the waste separator.
"The bag was on the line and I took it by chance, made an incision and saw something black looking into my eyes. I put the bag in this place, widened the cut and took the cat out," explains Mikhail Tukash, the garbage recycling employee who rescued Kite from the bag.
According to the workers, Kite was shaking with fear when they found him. By some miracle the bag had not suffocated him and he didn't get crushed by the press inside the rubbish truck.
And now this miracle cat has found a fairytale ending to his ordeal.
▶ 기사 원문 : https://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0104_202101261853513994
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, [email protected], #2424
▣ YTN 데일리모션 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/oXJWJs
[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]